It's been so long since I last blogged here, I've probably lost all of my followers but I'll TRY to be more faithful in the future. Warning: I am extremely political and most of my writing will show that. So if you don't want to hear politics, you probably don't belong here.
I'll start out my thoughts today by confirming that I am delighted with the election of Mr. Trump as president of the United States (a little late on that declaration, aren't I?) and pray for him regularly. He may be rough around the edges and different from what we are accustomed to in this country but I believe that he is who we need at this time in our history. The Liberal Left is trying their darnedest to make him ineffective but he is no fool and continues to work around their efforts. Even if you're not happy with his election, there's nothing that you can do about it except wait for the 2020 election cycle and vote for your candidate. Resisting the GOP efforts at this point will only hurt our nation. Nothing was accomplished during the last eight years except to cause rifts in the fabric of this country and I hope to see better in the coming years.
Yesterday (January 14) was a wonderful day as I was invited to be the guest speaker at the Right to Life of Sanilac County Mini -March for Life. It was the best turnout that I can recall in the five years that I've been involved with RTLSC. What a blessing! I'm going to keep trying to figure out how to attach the audio of my message to this blog.
Keep in touch with me here and I'll try to be more faithful. Pray for me.
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